Milky Way Plain Heart Clamshell with Hinged Lid
Create heart shaped soaps in this Plain Heart Clamshell and give to your loved ones or sell for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Wedding Favours & more! This clamshell comes with a hinged lid for a convenient way to package your soap. Simply pour, label and it's ready to go!
Product Details
Material: PVC Plastic
Mold Cavities: 1
Avg. Bar Weight: 2.95 oz.
Bar Dimensions: 2.875" x 2.375" x 1"
Max Pour Temp: 140ºF
Directions:Pour soap/lotion bar base into mold and let harden. Let cool and harden before closing. When used for CP Soap, manufacturer recommends leaving the hinge open for 4-6 weeks until soap is cured.