6 oz Clear One Touch Dispensing Pump Bottle
Our 6 oz Clear One Touch Dispensing Pump Bottle is the perfect way to dispense a wide variety of products including toners, makeup remover, and more! This pump bottle allows you to effortlessly dispense your products as you simply flip open the cap, push down on the disc dispenser, and watch your solution rise to the surface effortlessly!
Product Details:
- One Touch Dispensing Bottle
- Clear Plastic Pump Bottle
- The perfect bottle for dispensing products like toners, makeup remover, and more!
- Effortlessly dispense your solution onto cotton balls and brushes, avoiding the unnecessary mess that can come from trying to pour the solution out of a regular bottle
- Fill the bottle with your solution (such as toner, makeup remover, etc.) and then place the dispensing pump back on.
- Flip open the cap and then gently push down on the disc dispenser to allow the solution to effortlessly rise to the surface.
- Use a cotton ball, towel, swab, brush or cloth to absorb the liquid and then apply the product to the desired area.
Technical Information:
- One Touch Dispensing Bottle
- Material: Clear Plastic
- Size: 6 oz
- Container Height: 4.375”
- Container Diameter: 2.25”