Essential Oils in Hair Care

Essential oils can be very effective in hair care because of their ability to influence the sebaceous gland. The waxy sebum which is excreted by these glands is what determines whether one has normal, dry, or oily hair. If the sebaceous gland produces too much sebum the hair is oily, too little – dry, and just right – normal. The use of essential oils can help stimulate or regulate the sebaceous gland depending on the oils chosen.

Helpful hints:

It's normal for shampoo to turn cloudy as the essential oils mix with water. Also be aware that adding oils may change the viscosity of your product. If it becomes too thick - add more water. If it becomes too thin - add table salt or liquid Crothix .

Essential Oils for NORMAL hair: 

Roman Chamomile, Lemon, Basil, Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, Rosewood
These essential oils will help keep hair healthy, promoting conditioning, growth, and hair vitality. 

Essential Oils for DRY hair:

Carrot SeedLavender, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
These essential oils will help to stimulate the sebaceous gland, regulating the flow of sebum to those with dry hair. These essential oils are also great for people who spend a lot of time in the sun, or who use chemical treatments or swim in chlorinated pools.

Essential Oils for OILY hair:

Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary, and Sage
These essential oils will help to regulate the production of sebum. Use a daily gentle shampoo and occasionally deep cleanse with a deep cleansing shampoo. You want to decrease the sebum, not strip the hair and have a dry hair problem.
Try adding essential oils to our wonderful shampoo and conditioner bases to create unique hair care products that cater to specific hair types.