Talc Free Baby Powder
Makes 100 grams
Medicated protecting powders are popular with all ages. Used for the treatment of diaper rash and to help prevent and heal chafed and irritated skin. Many commercial products use Talc as their primary ingredient, but we have avoided it here as it can cause vomiting and coughing in babies if used carelessly. Talc has also received some negative speculation recently, with some medical journals recommending the use of natural starch based powders, like Arrowroot, due to concerns regarding Cancer developing from repeated use of Talc. In this formula we have utilized the natural healing starch - Arrowroot. The use of Arrowroot powder has a long and storied past. A traditional medicine of the North American Indian, it was used to treat wounds from poisoned arrows, hence its name. A natural starch, it is used in many culinary products, and is increasingly found in many high end and natural body and after bath powders.
In a large measuring cup simply mix together:
85 grams Arrowroot Powder
15 grams Zinc Oxide
Adding drops of Fragrance Oil or Essential oil if desired.
If making this product for use at home or resale, there are some common directions that should be followed: