Makes Approx. 8 x 75 gram Bars

The massage melt below has a variety of ingredients in its formulation. The goal with this melt is to make a firm bar that will give the skin lots of lubricity, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple. Scent this product with essential oil, customizing it to suit the desired mood of the occasion.
What You Will Need:
- Stearic Acid -- 85 grams (16%)
- Beeswax White Pastilles -- 107 grams (21%)
- Cocoa Butter Deodorized -- 85 grams (16%)
- Palm Oil Deodorized -- 85 grams (16%)
- Coconut Oil 76 -- 85 grams (16%)
- Unrefined Organic Shea Butter -- 23 grams (5%)
- Sunflower Oil -- 23 grams (5%)
- Apricot Kernel Oil -- 23 grams (5%)
- Vitamin E T-50 -- 5 grams (1%)
Essential Oil or Fragrance Oil (If Desired) -- 1 teaspoon
Recommended Equipment:- Soap mold of your choice (we used the simple heart milky way mold)
- 75 gram deodorant stick containers, 10 gram mini deodorant stick containers OR jumbo lip balm tubes
- Plastic or glass measuring cup
- Spoon or spatula for stirring
- Double boiler (if a microwave is not available or desired)
- Thermometer
- Latex gloves
- Apron
- Paper towel
- Eye protection
- Scale
- Measuring spoons
- Step 1: Combine ingredients of part A into a double boiler or microwave-safe container. Heat, stirring often, until all solids are dissolved (The beeswax will dissolve last at around 65°C).
- Step 2: Once the solids are fully melted, remove from heat and allow mixture to cool slightly.
- Step 3: Once the product has cooled down but has not yet started to set up on the sides or surface (about 45 - 55°C is optimal), add ingredients of Part B and stir to combine.
- Step 4: Add your essential oil or fragrance oil of choice (if desired) and stir to combine. We used our muscle & joint essential oil blend for this recipe.
- Step 5: Carefully pour into your molds or containers and allow to cool for 2-3 hours.